Convenit Delivery

Provides up to 70% savingson shipping costs without compromising delivery times, accompanied by enhanced tracking in real-time

Elevate your delivery service to new heights with us.

Modern European Shipping

How does Convenit deliver such competitive pricing?

Convenit Grouping Warehouse

Freight Forwarders & Parcel Consolidation

Freight forwarders offer highly discounted rates, but they typically require large volumes. Major corporates who move high volumes daily work with freight forwards to get incredibly reduced prices.

We achieve this by consolidating your packages with those of other companies, significantly reducing the cost per parcel to less than one euro for the international segment of the shipment .

Convenit has developed a collaborative ecologistics system that revolutionizes package delivery, akin to how Spotify transformed the way we listen to music today, Uber changed the way we travel, or RyanAir revolutionized air travel.

How does it work?

Let’s examine a detailed example for a shipment destined for France from Spain

We achieve cost reduction by distributing expenses among all packages in step 1 and step 2.


~0.55 €

24h - 36h

~0.80 €


~3.99 €

Last-mile delivery is conducted using the premier national courier in each country, with rates negotiated by Convenit.

We combine your packages with those of other companies onto a pallet and ship them through a freight forwarder.

Pack your European-bound packages into a single box/bag.

01/10 - 14:30 h

The order is entered into our system.

* Group your parcels headed for the Rest of Europe in a large box.

01/10 - 17:00 h

We collect the large box containing the packages.

02/10 - 11:00 h

The box arrives at our warehouse in Spain.

* All packages from all companies destined for France are consolidated onto a pallet.

02/10 - 15:00 h

The freight forwarder picks up the pallet from France.

02/10 - 17:00 h

The freight forwarder departs for the destination (France).

03/10 - 16:00 h

The freight forwarder arrives at the terminal in France.

03/10 - 17:00 h

The courier from France collects the individual packages.

04/10 - 10:30 h

The packages reach the final customer.

Total delivery time: 48h - 72h

Sustainable Shipments

When you ship with us, we ensure environmentally responsible practices.

"We are committed to the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We achieve this by partnering with green first and last mile couriers, using recyclable packaging materials, and minimizing travel distances."

Convenit Green Shipping Plugin